DoD ManTech News

March 27, 2023

Manufacturing Science and Technology Program Leads Annual Program Management Training at Johnson Space Center

Manufacturing Science and Technology Program Leads Annual Program Management Training at Johnson Space CenterOn February 22, the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering’s Manufacturing Science and Technology Program (MSTP) held its annual program management training at Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. This

Oct. 24, 2022

White House Hosts Manufacturing USA Innovation Institutes and Government Agencies for Leadership Summit

Senior leaders from federal agencies sponsoring the Manufacturing USA network of innovation institutes participated in a dynamic round table at the White House Manufacturing Summit on Monday. Discussions focused on how the Manufacturing USA network is helping America realize economic growth, innovation, and competitiveness in partnership with the government. “I wish I could spend an entire week with you all discussing how to leverage the Manufacturing Innovation Institutes to accelerate U.S. manufacturing,” said Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering Heidi Shyu. “The work you’ve accomplished over the last 10 years is phenomenal.” “The DoD needs advanced manufacturing to produce technologies critical to our national and economic security,” she added. “The Institutes are key national resources. One of my goals as Chief Technology Officer is to encourage the Department – and particularly DoD Acquisition Executives – to fully utilize the Institutes.”