BioMADE Logo


Bioindustrial Manufacturing and Design Ecosystem

Fast Facts


October 2020


Mission Enable domestic bioindustrial manufacturing at all scales, develop technologies to enhance U.S. bioindustrial competitiveness, de-risk investment in relevant infrastructure, and expand the biomanufacturing workforce to realize the economic promise of industrial biotechnology

Headquarters St. Paul, MN  |  Emeryville, CA

Consortium Organizer Engineering Biology Research Consortium (EBRC)

Satellite Locations
  • Berkeley, CA
  • Cambridge, MA
Institute Metrics
as of September 2024
288    Member Organizations

Total Ongoing and Completed Projects
63    Technology Projects
19    Education and Workforce Development (EWD) Projects

Education and Workforce Development
7,247    Participants in EWD Projects or Institute-led EWD Activities from FY20-FY24
Institute Snapshot
By supporting the scale-up of bioindustrial manufacturing technology from research labs to commercial production, BioMADE and its network of nearly 300 members across 37 states are strengthening American competitiveness, securing the U.S. supply chain, reshoring manufacturing jobs, supporting rural development and domestic agriculture, and producing more sustainable products untethered from reliance on petroleum. BioMADE is building a diverse and globally competitive STEM workforce, preparing American workers to fill new jobs throughout the U.S. bioindustrial manufacturing ecosystem, including BioMADE’s national infrastructure network of pilot-scale facilities. BioMADE was catalyzed by the U.S. Department of Defense and is a proud member of Manufacturing USA®.

Institute Capabilities
Technology &

BioMADE is moving the bioindustrial manufacturing industry forward by funding innovative research, reducing barriers to scaling-up and commercialization, and de-risking investment in relevant infrastructure. BioMADE accelerates the commercialization of modern biotechnology products and identifies domestic supplies of important materials by focusing on the pilot-scale Manufacturing Readiness Levels (MRLs) 4-7.  
Education &

The bioindustrial manufacturing sector is poised for significant growth in the coming decade and will need a trained and prepared workforce. BioMADE is building the workforce of the future by pairing industry-driven competencies with program development through K-12 schools, community colleges, universities, and professional development organizations. 
Safety, Security,
Sustainability, &
Social Responsibility

A commitment to incorporating safety, security, sustainability, and social responsibility (4S) is part of the fabric of BioMADE. Incorporating 4S principles will facilitate responsible bioindustrial manufacturing, address ethical and security concerns, and increase public understanding of bioindustrial manufacturing.