Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) ManTech

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Distinctly engaged in logistics research in support of DoD and DLA sustainment to support innovation for the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) and improve the operational performance of key supply chains. 
MISSION: Develop and deliver new capabilities through applied technologies and innovative solutions to enhance warfighter sustainment.
VISION: Premier Innovators for Global Warfighter Mission Readiness
DLA is aligned under the Office of Secretary of Defense (OUSD) Acquisition and Sustainment, Assistant Secretary for Sustainment, as the nation’s combat logistics support agency. Within DLA’s Information Operations (J6), DLA R&D (J68) improves warfighter support by addressing military needs, internal business processes, and industrial base manufacturing challenges. As logistics research continuous to be in the forefront of national security challenges, DLA’s deep expertise with supply chain challenges allows targeted innovations for transformation and modernization. DLA R&D has developed a thriving and sustainable partnership environment that supports pilot and prototyping experimentation to develop supply chain management solutions.

DLA R&D manages numerous ongoing joint projects with multiple service and agency ManTech programs including Joint Additive Manufacturing Acceptability (JAMA), Digital Thread, and the Modernization of Joint Food Management System (JFMS) to name a few. DLA R&D sustains over 100 partnerships with academia, industry, the military services, other federal agencies and  across manufacturing innovation institutions (MIIs), supporting experimentation and innovation to develop logistical solutions for the warfighter and nation. Moreover, DLA R&D priorities are nested in our logistics research to advance supply chain capabilities for adoption.
  • Logistics research solutions for warfighter sustainment
  • Supply chain risk management and resiliency
  • Enterprise innovation for emerging and disruptive technologies
  • Rapid piloting and prototyping for solution transition and adoption
  • R&D testing and development experiment environments
  • Expertise in Defense Industrial Base (DIB)

Our R&D efforts are now aligned to five Lines of Effort (LOEs) driving the agency to a more strategic perspective that support growth in key DOD areas impacting our National Defense Strategy.

DLA R&D efforts are accomplished through three Program Elements (PE):

  1. Manufacturing Technology (ManTech): Supports innovation in the industrial base to improve the operational performance of key supply chains
  2. Logistics Research and Development Technology (Log R&D): Pioneers advanced logistics concepts and business processes that use commercial best practices; develops and demonstrates high payoff technologies that provide a high level of support at lower costs

Small Business Innovation Program (SBIP): Through competitive awards-based programs, SBIP funds small business to develop state-of-the-art, innovative solutions to mission-critical DLA supply chain requirements. SBIP includes Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR), Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR), and Rapid Innovation Fund (RIF)

Investment Portfolio Areas
  • Advanced Microcircuit Emulation - produces military qualified form, fit, and function microcircuits
  • Battery Network - improves defense battery production, logistics, and performance
  • Castings/Forgings - strengthens the production and sustainment of metal cast and forged parts
  • Military Unique Sustainment Technology - focuses on clothing and textile supply chain related issues
  • Subsistence Network - improves and implements innovative processes and capabilities in the subsistence supply chain
  • Defense Logistics Information Research - research core technologies to improve logistics data
  • Additive Manufacturing - provides alternative supply sources, increasing material availability and readiness

DLA Logistics R&D Budget (FY22): $12M

DLA Logistics R&D Investment Portfolio Areas:

  • Logistics Technology Research - leverages advanced technologies across the DLA supply chain
  • Strategic Distribution & Disposition - supports the DLA Distribution Modernization Program
  • Supply Chain Management - enhances DLA’s ability to correctly assess and meet supply chain requirements
  • Energy Readiness Program - guides R&D efforts for operational energy initiatives
  • Acquisition Modernization Technology Research - leads acquisition digitally enabled solutions through emerging technologies 
Proposal Process

There are four mechanisms that provide opportunities for academia and industry. The following are contracting mediums and access to DLA opportunities:

  1. Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for "communities of practice." BAAs for "communities of practice" (COP) awards are related to a specific DLA-managed commodity or strategic focus area. COP BAAs are multi-award, multi-year, delivery order contracts with a limited scope. Typically, COP awards have a period of performance of one year with four 1-year options. The base awards are for a nominal amount to participate in COP planning activities. Separate projects are awarded to the members of the COP to achieve technical objectives. 
  2. BAA for Emerging Technologies. The BAA for Emerging Technologies is a continuously open, broad scope BAA. The BAA specifies the process for awards and the area(s) of interest; awards are typically single project contracts. DLA R&D contracting is primarily managed through the DLA Contracting Services Office in Philadelphia, PA.
  3. DLA also develops manufacturing technologies through Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) topics that support strategic priorities. These topics can be found in the DoD SBIR/STTR solicitations.
  4. DLA’s Technology Accelerator Other Transaction Agreements partner with nontraditional and traditional defense contractors and non-profit research institutions to carry out prototype projects.
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