Joint Defense Manufacturing Technology Panel

The Joint Defense Manufacturing Technology Panel (JDMTP) serves to ensure coordination and collaboration across the Department of Defense Manufacturing Technology (DoD ManTech) Program.  Panel members include the directors and senior managers (referred to as Principals) of each DoD ManTech Program including the ArmyNavy, Air ForceDefense Logistics Agency (DLA), and the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD),  The Panel’s chairmanship is a rotating position among the Principals.  Other members of the Panel include ex officio representatives from agencies such as the Missile Defense Agency (MDA), Department of Commerce (DOC), and Department of Energy (DOE).  

The JDMTP is chartered to identify and integrate joint requirements, conduct joint program planning, and develop joint strategies.   Although the JDMTP has a shared strategic vision, all technical projects and initiatives are selected, executed, and managed separately through each Principal's Military Service or DoD Agency ManTech Program.

The biographies for the JDMTP Principals are available here

DoD Manufacturing Technology Program

As the diagram above indicates, the primary mechanisms to support the Panel’s efforts are the JDMTP Subpanels: ElectronicsCompositesMetals, and Advanced Manufacturing Enterprise.  Where appropriate, the projects funded by all ManTech Programs are discussed, reviewed, and coordinated through the JDMTP and its Subpanels.  Each of the four Subpanels consists of members from each of the ManTech Components as well as representatives of the larger JDMTP community, and industry.  They meet regularly to review the projects within their technology portfolio, identify opportunities for collaboration, and provide input to the Panel on opportunities for future investment areas such as Joint Technology Pursuit Areas (JTPAs).  The chairperson of each subpanel also meet regularly to coordinate on projects which cross traditional subpanel boundaries and enhance subpanel processes to increase efficiency and effectiveness in achieving the DoD ManTech mission. 

Each subpanel has its own page with more information on focus areas, review processes, etc. Links are located on the menu to the right.

The JDMTP was originally chartered in 1999, but since has been given permanent authority under 10 U.S. Code § 4841.  The JDMTP reports to and receives direction from the OSD ManTech Program on manufacturing technology issues of multi-service concern and application.
Panel Members

OSD (R&E) Logo

Army Logo

Navy Logo

Air Force Logo

DLA Logo