Manufacturing USA
The Office of the Secretary of Defense Manufacturing Technology (OSD ManTech) Office and its Department of Defense Manufacturing Innovation Institutes (DoD MIIs) participate in Manufacturing USA – a national interagency and manufacturing institute network. 

The Manufacturing USA network is composed of the U.S. Departments of Defense (DoD), Energy (DOE), and Commerce (DOC) and their sponsored MIIs.  Manufacturing USA is the brand used to describe a collective network of government agencies, their sponsored MIIs, and other Federal partners united to drive advancement in manufacturing technology and workforce skills.  Each agency participating in Manufacturing USA executes its own unique mission and critical objectives to improve American manufacturing. 
The Network
As part of the Manufacturing USA network, each agency partner and MII works towards the larger objective of enhancing the Nation’s industrial competitiveness.  DoD, DOC, and DOE sponsor institutes to foster collaboration among government agencies, universities, nonprofits, and companies to develop critical advanced manufacturing technologies, build supply chains around them, and train the workforce in the skills required to deploy them.  In addition, DOC – through the Advanced Manufacturing Program Office – is charged with facilitating the Manufacturing USA brand, engaging in public communication and education, and coordinating collaboration among the sponsoring agencies and their network of institutes in specific areas.  These specific areas are development of the triannual strategic plans and annual reports to Congress, sharing of best practices, and providing shared services. 

The OSD ManTech Program works closely with other Manufacturing USA network agency partners across the Federal Government including the Department of Education, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Science Foundation, Department of Agriculture, and the White House. These relationships help ensure that Manufacturing USA provides a holistic approach to helping improve U.S. manufacturing capabilities.

Visit or follow on Twitter @MFGUSA for more information on the network’s activities.
The latest information on each of the DoD MIIs and their ongoing activities is available here.     
Video by Courtesy
A Fresh Perspective on U.S. Manufacturing Innovation
DoD Manufacturing Technology Program
March 17, 2022 | 2:21
The Manufacturing USA network brings industry, academia, and government together to accelerate manufacturing innovation in America. This fresh approach is helping secure U.S. global competitiveness in advanced manufacturing and ensure that American inventions become American made products. Together, we are solving America’s current and future challenges through collaborative manufacturing innovation, workforce education, and supply chain development to improve our way of life, strengthen our economy, ensure our national security, and create the skilled workforce we need now and in the future. Join the innovation revolution!

Manufacturing USA Network: De-Risking Tech Startups

While the U.S. leads the world in innovation and R&D spending, many discoveries are stranded in labs or scaled-up overseas as companies struggle to invest in domestic development and production since lower cost options exist elsewhere. To increase the number of domestic technologies translated to commercial products, Manufacturing USA institutes help bridge what’s called the innovation “valley of death.”  Institutes nurture startups across the innovation valley of death by accelerating and de-risking their technology development through a variety of uniquely created offerings. Watch to learn how Endeavor Composites, Intabio, Inc., Gray Matter Robotics, ThinkIQ, and SiPhox Health have taken leap-ahead technologies through research, design, prototyping, and commercial production with support from the institutes and their innovation ecosystems.
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