
For almost 70 years, the Department of Defense Manufacturing Technology (DoD ManTech) Program has been the Defense Department’s investment mechanism for staying at the forefront of defense-essential manufacturing capability.
Congressional Mandate – U.S. Code

The DoD ManTech Program was originally created in 1956 as a congressional mandate, written into Title 10 of the United States Code.  The current version of the DoD ManTech Program is a result of incremental name, scope and policy updates.  The original Title 10 goes back to "The Revised Statutes of the United States 1873-74" enacted by the 43rd Congress to legally constitute the U.S. Navy.  A major revision of Title 10 was enacted by Congress on August 10, 1956.  That revision, as amended, is the law that provides direction and authorization for today’s DoD ManTech Program.

Section 2521 of Title 10 of the Code states that the Secretary of Defense shall establish a Manufacturing Technology Program, and that the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering shall administer the program.  Click here to see the actual DoD ManTech codified language (10 U.S. Code § 4841).
Program Guidance – DoD Directive

The responsibility for DoD ManTech Program activities is assigned by a DoD Directive (DoDD 4200.15).  This directive provides guidance for the ManTech Program, ensures that the legislative requirements of the program are carried out, and specifies the areas in which the DoD ManTech Program should invest.

In accordance with DoDD 4200.15, investments in DoD ManTech shall:
  1. Aid in the economical and timely acquisition and sustainment of weapon systems and components.
  2. Ensure that advanced manufacturing processes, techniques, and equipment are available for reducing DoD materiel acquisition, maintenance, and repair costs.
  3. Advance the maturity of manufacturing processes to bridge the gap from research and development advances to full-scale production.
  4. Promote capital investment and industrial innovation in new plants and equipment by reducing the cost and risk of advancing and applying new and improved manufacturing technology.
  5. Ensure that manufacturing technologies used to produce DoD materiel are consistent with safety and environmental considerations and energy conservation objectives.
  6. Provide for the dissemination of Program results throughout the industrial base.
  7. Sustain and enhance the skills and capabilities of the manufacturing workforce, and promote high levels of worker education and training.
  8. Meet other national defense needs with investments directed toward areas of greatest need and potential benefit.