The mission of the Electronics Processing and Fabrication Subpanel ("Electronics Subpanel") is to identify and integrate requirements for electronics manufacturing across the Army, Navy, Air Force, Defense Logistics Agency, Missile Defense Agency, Office of Secretary of Defense, Department of Energy, Department of Commerce, NASA, industry, and academia. The Electronics Subpanel identifies common needs, fosters joint project planning, and conducts annual portfolio reviews to coordinate all Department of Defense Manufacturing Technology (DoD ManTech) Program electronics projects to eliminate unwarranted duplication and identify common requirements.
The Electronics Subpanel discusses and remains cognizant of state-of-the-art electronics technology developments and innovative and disruptive manufacturing processes by working with the DoD, including the DoD Manufacturing Innovation Institutes. The Subpanel also collaborates with its academia and industry members to address critical technology areas and participates in electronics forums such as the Defense Manufacturing Conference, Microelectronics Integrity Meeting, Government Microcircuit Applications & Critical Technology Conference (GOMACTech) and Flex Conference held annually.
The Electronics Subpanel conducts joint DoD component project planning and holds quarterly meetings and an annual portfolio review to conduct peer reviews of the joint DoD components electronics projects. The Subpanel goal is to collaborate and enhance manufacturing technology transition among the DoD components, other government agencies, industry, and academia. The Subpanel has established five Technical Working Groups that assess critical warfighter technologies needed in the areas of power sources, radio frequency (RF) modules, conventional and flexible hybrid electronics, energetics and warheads, and directed energy. The Electronics Subpanel contributes to the overall goal of the Joint Defense Manufacturing Technology Panel (JDMTP) and the DoD ManTech Program to improve mission capability, improve readiness, and reduce total ownership costs.