Office of the Secretary of Defense Manufacturing Technology Office Manufacturing Collaborations

Along with providing manufacturing policy and direction for the Department of Defense Manufacturing Technology (DoD ManTech) Program, serving as a Principal on the Joint Defense Manufacturing Technology Panel, and overseeing investments in the Manufacturing Science & Technology Program and DoD Manufacturing Innovation Institutes (MIIs), the Office of the Secretary of Defense Manufacturing Technology (OSD ManTech) Program also collaborates with other DoD and Federal agencies through a number of committees focused on advancing manufacturing in the United States.
The OSD ManTech Office sits on or provides support to the following joint and/or interagency groups:

Subcommittee on Advanced Manufacturing

The White House’s Subcommittee on Advanced Manufacturing (SAM) serves as a forum for information-sharing, coordination, and consensus-building among participating agencies regarding federal policy, programs, and budget guidance for advanced manufacturing.  The Subcommittee is chaired by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy with co-chairs from DoD and Department of Commerce.  Other representatives on the Subcommittee include the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Department of Energy, Department of Health and Human Services, and National Science Foundation.

Joint Defense Manufacturing Technology Panel

The Joint Defense Manufacturing Technology Panel (JDMTP) ensures coordination and collaboration across the DoD ManTech Program.  Panel members include the directors and senior managers (referred to as Principals) of each DoD ManTech Program including the OSD, U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Defense Logistics Agency.  

Manufacturing USA

Manufacturing USA is a network of government agencies, their sponsored MIIs, and other Federal partners united to drive advancement in manufacturing technology and workforce skills.

Manufacturing Extension Partnership

Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) is a public-private partnership with Centers in all 50 states and Puerto Rico dedicated to serving small and medium-sized manufacturers.  The DoD MIIs maintain a close relationship with the MEPs.

Joint Defense Manufacturing Council

The Joint Defense Manufacturing Council (JDMC) is a forum for DoD senior leaders who convene to ensure that DoD maximizes the value of manufacturing technologies; promote and advance the fielding of DoD’s modernization priority technologies; and increase readiness across the weapons systems lifecycle.  

Joint Additive Manufacturing Working Group

Joint Additive Manufacturing Working Group (JAMWG) is chartered to provide a robust forum and structured framework for DoD leadership to coordinate investments and activities in additive manufacturing across DoD to improve the design and sustainment of warfighting systems and capabilities. JAMWG is chartered formally under the new JDMC, which provides senior DoD-level guidance.