DoD ManTech News
Tag: advanced manufacturing

Jan. 20, 2023

Students Expand their PIC Knowledge and Skills

About a dozen students enrolled in STEM programs at U.S. colleges and universities, as well as engineers and designers from both start-ups and established companies in the integrated photonics industry, gathered recently at MIT and BSU with the same goal in mind: to gain more hands-on experience using the schools’ state-of-the art tools to help them better understand photonic integrated circuit (PIC) theory, testing and packaging during AIM Photonics’ in-person Photonics Bootcamp.

Jan. 18, 2023

LIFT Manufacturing Innovation Institute Will Open Satellite Facility in Puerto Rico

LIFT, the Detroit-based Department of Defense national Manufacturing Innovation Institute, the Governor of Puerto Rico and the Department of Economic Development and Commerce of Puerto Rico (DEDC) announced they signed an agreement to launch an institute facility satellite to advanced applied research and development, as well as advanced manufacturing on the island. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed at La Fortaleza, bringing the institute to Puerto Rico to engage with the Island’s manufacturers to further develop their technologies and support the Island’s workforce by providing advanced manufacturing training opportunities.

Jan. 4, 2023

Recognizing Excellence at DMC: Service Recognition Award

The 2022 Defense Manufacturing Conference featured presentation of awards, including the Service Recognition Award, given by the Joint Defense Manufacturing Technology Panel (JDMTP) to senior leaders whose contributions have greatly impacted their individual Service/Agency ManTech program as well as specific Subpanel and Technical Working Groups.

Dec. 20, 2022

Recognizing Excellence at DMC 2022: The Defense Manufacturing Technology Achievement Award

This year's Defense Manufacturing Technology Achievement Awards (DMTAA), sponsored by the Joint Defense Manufacturing Technology Panel (JDMTP), were awarded at a ceremony during the Defense Manufacturing Conference to individuals from government, industry and academia for remarkable technical accomplishments in projects that advance the vision of the Department of Defense (DoD) Manufacturing Technology (ManTech) Program.

Dec. 13, 2022

DoD ManTech at the 2022 Defense Manufacturing Conference

The DoD Manufacturing Technology Program team enjoyed wide participation at the annual Defense Manufacturing Conference in Tampa, FL, from 5-8 December 2022. DMC is the premier annual opportunity for government, industry, and academia to exchange information and perspectives within the manufacturing community. . Discussion topics focused on defense manufacturing policies, strategic direction, best practices, funding opportunities, and the latest manufacturing innovations for our warfighters. See some photos and synopses of our panels.

Dec. 13, 2022

Reducing Industrial Emissions to Create an Equitable Clean Energy Future

The Manufacturing USA network has grown to include 16 manufacturing innovation institutes, which are funded through the departments of Commerce, Defense and Energy and from private sector industry members. Institutes are working with research entities and private sector companies to develop processes to reduce industrial emissions and lower barriers so that more manufacturers can adopt these breakthroughs. While every institute’s projects may contribute to energy efficiency and sustainability, here is a look at some of the many initiatives related to emissions-intensive industrial processes.

Oct. 24, 2022

White House Hosts Manufacturing USA Innovation Institutes and Government Agencies for Leadership Summit

Senior leaders from federal agencies sponsoring the Manufacturing USA network of innovation institutes participated in a dynamic round table at the White House Manufacturing Summit on Monday. Discussions focused on how the Manufacturing USA network is helping America realize economic growth, innovation, and competitiveness in partnership with the government. “I wish I could spend an entire week with you all discussing how to leverage the Manufacturing Innovation Institutes to accelerate U.S. manufacturing,” said Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering Heidi Shyu. “The work you’ve accomplished over the last 10 years is phenomenal.” “The DoD needs advanced manufacturing to produce technologies critical to our national and economic security,” she added. “The Institutes are key national resources. One of my goals as Chief Technology Officer is to encourage the Department – and particularly DoD Acquisition Executives – to fully utilize the Institutes.”

Oct. 12, 2022

DoD Manufacturing Innovation Institutes Awarded Grants to Spur Regional Economic Development

Two DoD Manufacturing Innovation Institutes (MIIs) - ARM and BioFabUSA - are part of teams that were awarded Build Back Better Regional Challenge grants. Funded by the Biden administration’s American Rescue Plan and administered by the Economic Development Administration (EDA), the challenge provides funding to foster economic growth, further inclusive and equitable recovery, and create thousands of quality-paying jobs in industries critical to the future, such as clean energy, next-gen manufacturing, and biotechnology.

Oct. 5, 2022

Building Momentum in Regional Ecosystems

The Manufacturing USA institutes are applying a cluster-based approach to connect people, ideas and technology, by developing regional ecosystems of government research institutions, universities and private sector industry members.

Sept. 23, 2022

Hicks Highlights Energy Innovation to Improve Warfighter Capabilities

Deputy Secretary Hicks toured the Pentagon Energy Expo displays, including the hydrogen fuel cells funded by the OSD Manufacturing Technology Program that power a Stalker drone.