ARM Institute Program Manager Tasha Miller has been named to the Pittsburgh Business Times’ List of 20 People to Know in Pittsburgh Manufacturing! This list recognizes individuals who are pushing their own companies forward, helping other manufacturers be their best, imagining new ways to build and design things, and planning to meet the needs of a 21st-century industrial landscape.
Tasha Miller joined the ARM Institute about six months ago and leads our Southwestern Pennsylvania Build Back Better Regional Challenge activities, including our new Robotics Manufacturing Hub and four regional makerspaces. Through these initiatives, Tasha helps small and medium sized manufacturers in the Southwestern Pennsylvania/Pittsburgh region understand if and how they should adopt robotics, prototype robotics solutions at no cost, learn how robotics can augment their workforce gaps, and more.
“My top priority is to leverage the ARM Institute’s in-house engineering team and vast network of nearly 400 members and connect them to small- and mid-sized manufacturers so they can obtain the right information and data to reduce these risks and implement robotics. Bringing technology and innovation to small businesses, which are the foundation of manufacturing in the U.S., is going to help the Pittsburgh region reverse the decline in U.S. manufacturing.” – Tasha Miller
Tasha leverages her vast industry experience combined with her military career in the U.S. Air Force to solve problems limiting U.S. manufacturing.
Get to know Tasha here!