Leaders and innovators across government and industry are talking manufacturing policy, strategy, and opportunity at the
Defense Manufacturing Conference, December 12-16. The Department of Defense Manufacturing Technology Program, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, White House, and Congressmen Tim Ryan will speak on priorities and solutions for building back a robust, resilient defense industrial base including a skilled workforce.
DoD ManTech's LinkedIn for conference updates!
ABOUT THE DEFENSE MANUFACTURING CONFERENCE: The DoD ManTech community participates in the Defense Manufacturing Conference (DMC) annually. The DMC is where over 1,700 participants from 790 of the top government and industry organizations get together to communicate and collaborate on policies, strategic direction, best practices, funding opportunities, and latest innovations in support of defense manufacturing priorities. Average attendance splits between industry, government, with a smaller number from academia or non-profits. Attendees range from CEO- and Flag Officer/Senior Executive Service-level to working-level manufacturing-oriented engineers, scientists, and business practice/policy makers. Over 160 exhibits showcasing government and industry manufacturing initiatives are displayed throughout the conference along with great networking opportunities. Additional information on upcoming Defense Manufacturing Conferences is available