Army ManTech

Army LogoThe U.S. Army Manufacturing Technology (ManTech) Program is an industrial preparedness program focused on addressing Army-wide manufacturing requirements across the following systems and platforms:

  • Network, Command Control, Communications, and Intelligence
  • Ground 
  • Aviation
  • Soldiers
  • Weapons

The Army ManTech Program coordinates with key partners across the defense industrial base to develop manufacturing processes and apply manufacturing technologies that will reduce acquisition and sustainability costs, as well as repair cycle times, of defense weapons systems in direct support of Army warfighting capabilities critical for the success of our Soldiers. 

Army ManTech ElectroChemical Machining

DoD DMC ElectroChemical Machining

Defense Logistics Agency
The Army ManTech Program supports Army-wide manufacturing requirements through coordinated efforts across the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (ASA(ALT)); the U.S. Army Materiel Command; the U.S. Army Futures Command; the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command; U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command; U.S. Army Corp of Engineers; and U.S. Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research and Technology (DASA(R&T)) provides oversight and management of the Army ManTech program on behalf of the ASA(ALT).

Projects within the Army ManTech Program investment priorities are competitively awarded to Army S&T organizations and are required to have Program Executive Office/Program Manager (PEO/PM) partnerships to ensure impact to a program of record.  The executing organizations and their PEO/PM partners are responsible for coordinating capability goals, deliverables, projected cost/benefit data and conducting transition and implementation planning to execute ManTech projects.  The Army ManTech process provides a balanced portfolio aligned with S&T, PEO/PM and Department of the Army priorities.  Additionally, it enables the Army to maximize technology transition by leveraging both technical and acquisition subject matter expertise for specific weapon systems.
The Army ManTech Program’s mission is to support Army readiness and modernization priorities by improving and maturing manufacturing technologies to ensure overmatch and fulfill national security objectives.  The Army ManTech Program, funded through Budget Activity 7, addresses manufacturing solutions that enable and improve the manufacturing processes to advance the Army’s technological capabilities while reducing life-cycle costs for current and future Army acquisition programs.  Army ManTech advances manufacturing technology and processes from a Manufacturing Readiness Level (MRL) 4 / Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 4 through MRL 7 / TRL 7.  The goal of the program is to improve end-item efficiency and affordability by addressing manufacturing and producibility risks, and facilitating the maturation and transition of critical technologies to weapon system platforms.  

There are three objectives of this program: 1) Promote material development to meet performance requirements, 2) Improve manufacturability and reduce the cost to programs of record (PoRs), and 3) Advance the organic industrial base.  Critical technology maturation and transition is accomplished by coordinating efforts between the Army Science and Technology (S&T) community; the PEO and their supporting program managers; key industry and academic partners; and the organic industrial base through effective, efficient, affordable, and adaptable manufacturing processes.
Proposal Process
Industry must work through the laboratory and program executive offices. 

Please visit the following links for more information:

U.S. Army Weapons Handbook
U.S. Army Program Executive Offices
U.S. Army Laboratories and Centers

The Army ManTech Program funding is a 6.7 Budget Activity and efforts must show a Manufacturing Readiness Level (MRL) of no less than 4 and no greater than 7.  Additional considerations and weighted factors for consideration include: 
• Support to Army’s Current Priorities
• Cost Benefit
• Technology Benefit
• Transition Plan
• Implementation Plan 
• Technology Pervasiveness
• Alignment to Annual Guidance 

$63M (FY23)

Mr. Colin Reese
ManTech Program Manager

Dr. Timothy White
Deputy Program Manager

Mr. Mike Beidler
ManTech Integrator

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