WEBVTT 00:25.660 --> 00:27.882 The Department of Defense Manufacturing 00:27.882 --> 00:30.200 Technology program develops and 00:30.200 --> 00:32.090 supports the adoption of advanced 00:32.090 --> 00:34.420 manufacturing technologies . Some of 00:34.420 --> 00:36.587 the goals include lowering the cost of 00:36.587 --> 00:38.698 production and the cost of repair and 00:38.698 --> 00:40.920 maintenance , increasing the capability 00:40.920 --> 00:43.270 and the quality of the products that 00:43.280 --> 00:45.570 the military purchases and also 00:45.570 --> 00:47.792 increasing the production throughput of 00:47.792 --> 00:50.220 those items . The manufacturing 00:50.220 --> 00:52.630 technology program identifies and 00:52.630 --> 00:54.574 solves problems across the Defense 00:54.574 --> 00:56.574 industrial base By working with the 00:56.574 --> 00:58.741 Joint Defense Manufacturing technology 00:58.741 --> 01:00.686 panel and its technology based sub 01:00.686 --> 01:03.000 panels to identify joint technology 01:03.000 --> 01:06.750 pursuit areas . We all work together to 01:06.750 --> 01:09.130 ensure that we're meeting requirements 01:09.130 --> 01:11.330 for the military services themselves 01:11.340 --> 01:13.380 all the way to strategic partnering 01:13.390 --> 01:16.100 with industry and academia through a 01:16.100 --> 01:18.300 manufacturing innovation institutes 01:18.310 --> 01:21.470 which work on scale up commercially 01:21.470 --> 01:23.430 relevant advanced manufacturing 01:23.430 --> 01:24.530 technologies . 01:32.310 --> 01:34.460 Our program is focused on the 01:34.460 --> 01:36.580 efficiency and affordability of 01:36.590 --> 01:38.940 technologies and we enhance those 01:38.940 --> 01:40.680 things through enhancing the 01:40.680 --> 01:43.200 manufacturing processes for that . And 01:43.200 --> 01:45.380 the end goal is to support weapons 01:45.380 --> 01:47.140 systems to enhance warfighter 01:47.140 --> 01:49.750 capabilities . We are at the Watervliet 01:49.750 --> 01:52.260 arsenal are engineering facility as 01:52.260 --> 01:54.427 part of a . F . C . Def . Com armament 01:54.427 --> 01:56.482 center and our mission is to provide 01:56.482 --> 01:58.427 research design and development of 01:58.427 --> 02:00.649 large caliber cannon . The project that 02:00.649 --> 02:02.538 we have is called electrochemical 02:02.538 --> 02:04.593 machining for armament manufacturing 02:04.593 --> 02:06.704 for future cannon designs and looking 02:06.704 --> 02:08.816 at alternative materials We needed to 02:08.816 --> 02:11.038 have a different approaching process or 02:11.038 --> 02:13.038 rifling process to be able to rifle 02:13.038 --> 02:15.204 large caliber cannons approaching is a 02:15.204 --> 02:17.427 conventional manufacturing process that 02:17.427 --> 02:19.427 uses a successive set of approaches 02:19.427 --> 02:21.482 that shear off very small amounts of 02:21.482 --> 02:23.260 material approach sets are very 02:23.260 --> 02:25.260 expensive . So with electrochemical 02:25.260 --> 02:27.545 machining it's a non contact process so 02:27.545 --> 02:29.835 your tooling is much much cheaper . We 02:29.835 --> 02:32.095 can get faster processing rates and get 02:32.095 --> 02:34.317 an improved quality with this process . 02:34.317 --> 02:36.484 This project started off as an S . And 02:36.484 --> 02:38.290 T . Development effort . As the 02:38.290 --> 02:39.846 technology matured , it was 02:39.846 --> 02:42.750 transitioned to a man tech program with 02:42.750 --> 02:44.960 the support of the Man Tech office . 02:44.970 --> 02:47.030 This technology will reach a 02:47.040 --> 02:49.230 manufacturing readiness level to allow 02:49.230 --> 02:51.460 it to be transitioned into production 02:51.460 --> 02:54.365 manufacturing processes . This was 02:54.375 --> 02:56.597 specifically under the Man Tech program 02:56.597 --> 02:58.708 for the M 24 which is on the palatine 02:58.708 --> 03:00.708 system . But the technology is also 03:00.708 --> 03:02.819 very pervasive . So we could use this 03:02.819 --> 03:04.986 on 105 millimeter , we can use this on 03:04.995 --> 03:08.145 776 which is the M 77 towed artillery 03:08.145 --> 03:10.312 system , long range artillery . We can 03:10.312 --> 03:12.100 use it for that as well . The 03:12.100 --> 03:14.790 investment of the Army Man Tech office 03:14.800 --> 03:17.270 in electrochemical machining allows us 03:17.270 --> 03:19.750 to advance the technology that 03:19.750 --> 03:21.694 currently exists for rifling large 03:21.694 --> 03:24.280 caliber cannon . It will also offer us 03:24.290 --> 03:27.180 flexibility and agility moving forward 03:27.190 --> 03:29.490 into our newer designs so that we may 03:29.490 --> 03:32.890 provide superior weapons systems . I 03:32.890 --> 03:35.112 considered a success because we started 03:35.112 --> 03:37.279 out as a very small effort and then we 03:37.279 --> 03:39.501 built this full scale facility and then 03:39.501 --> 03:41.557 demonstrated that we can rifle large 03:41.557 --> 03:43.612 caliber cannons with it . We've been 03:43.612 --> 03:45.612 doing this for the Man Tech program 03:45.612 --> 03:47.834 since fiscal year 19 . So we just ended 03:47.834 --> 03:49.834 our four year program and we're now 03:49.834 --> 03:51.946 going into our transition phase where 03:51.946 --> 03:54.112 we're taking that from A . M . R . L . 03:54.112 --> 03:56.223 Seven technology and pushing that out 03:56.223 --> 03:58.620 to the shop floor . It's very vital to 03:58.620 --> 04:02.350 the mission because whatever the US war 04:02.350 --> 04:04.710 fighter has to use within combat 04:04.710 --> 04:07.200 situations it has to be manufactured . 04:07.210 --> 04:10.510 And if we can't manufacture it , if we 04:10.510 --> 04:13.770 can't manufacture enough of it then it 04:13.780 --> 04:17.080 reduces our ability to have overmatch 04:17.080 --> 04:18.413 against the adversary . 04:24.190 --> 04:26.357 The mission of the Navy mantle program 04:26.357 --> 04:28.079 is to develop new and improved 04:28.079 --> 04:30.190 manufacturing processes with the goal 04:30.190 --> 04:31.968 of reducing the acquisition and 04:31.968 --> 04:34.190 lifecycle costs of key Navy platforms . 04:34.190 --> 04:36.246 David Mann Tech works in conjunction 04:36.246 --> 04:38.412 with the Centers of Excellence and the 04:38.412 --> 04:41.590 shipyards to generate ideas that would 04:41.590 --> 04:44.260 have the greatest impact cost savings 04:44.260 --> 04:46.840 or capability acceleration for the Navy 04:46.840 --> 04:48.951 and for the warfighter . Today you're 04:48.951 --> 04:50.896 at ingalls shipbuilding . We build 04:50.896 --> 04:53.118 surface combatants for the U . S . Navy 04:53.118 --> 04:55.062 as well as the Coast Guard and any 04:55.062 --> 04:57.173 commercial opportunities that we have 04:57.173 --> 04:59.550 as well . The shape plate robot project 04:59.560 --> 05:02.090 is taking a process that it took over 05:02.090 --> 05:04.760 40 years for a craftsman to create his 05:04.770 --> 05:07.610 art in order to shape plates . The 05:07.620 --> 05:11.590 existing process involves using a flame 05:11.590 --> 05:15.180 based porch to eat and then pull the 05:15.180 --> 05:17.970 metal . We've taken that science put it 05:17.970 --> 05:20.790 into a robot that use programming to 05:20.790 --> 05:23.320 take his art and repeat that process to 05:23.320 --> 05:26.410 shape that plate What the robot is 05:26.410 --> 05:28.650 doing . It's taking flat pieces of 05:28.650 --> 05:32.170 steel and forming them into specific 05:32.170 --> 05:35.630 shapes that go into various components 05:35.640 --> 05:37.973 that will then be installed on the ship . 05:37.973 --> 05:40.730 And the goal is to shorten the process 05:40.740 --> 05:42.890 of fabricating these plates from 05:42.890 --> 05:45.000 somewhere on the order of 50 to 60 05:45.000 --> 05:47.950 hours to hopefully around four hours . 05:48.200 --> 05:50.840 And that's a tremendous cost and time 05:50.840 --> 05:53.890 savings for the Navy . We've had over 05:53.900 --> 05:56.720 40 for projects that are implemented or 05:56.720 --> 05:58.664 in the process of implementing the 05:58.664 --> 06:00.831 total savings over $27 million dollars 06:00.831 --> 06:02.998 per hole . And we've done all kinds of 06:02.998 --> 06:04.776 projects with them , from new , 06:04.776 --> 06:06.887 improved welding processes to digital 06:06.887 --> 06:08.553 threat technologies and other 06:08.553 --> 06:10.553 technologies that really reduce the 06:10.553 --> 06:12.776 cost of ship fabrication and accelerate 06:12.776 --> 06:14.776 the delivery of those assets . This 06:14.776 --> 06:16.664 project supports the Navy and the 06:16.664 --> 06:18.940 Warfighter , generating cost savings 06:18.950 --> 06:21.090 for the Navy and allowing those 06:21.090 --> 06:24.120 research dollars to be used for new 06:24.120 --> 06:26.120 capabilities and bringing those the 06:26.120 --> 06:28.680 Warfighter more quickly . They provide 06:28.680 --> 06:30.900 expertise and cutting edge technology 06:30.960 --> 06:32.849 that as shipbuilders we would not 06:32.849 --> 06:34.682 usually be accustomed to or even 06:34.682 --> 06:36.682 familiar with . So that partnership 06:36.682 --> 06:39.230 really provides us benefit to grow , 06:39.240 --> 06:41.351 learn and continue getting better and 06:41.351 --> 06:43.296 reducing costs for our customers . 06:48.210 --> 06:50.520 The Air Force Man Tech program is 06:50.520 --> 06:53.910 really focused on driving affordability 06:53.920 --> 06:56.430 into our weapons systems manufacturer 06:56.430 --> 06:59.310 ability into our weapons systems were 06:59.310 --> 07:01.760 at compass Technology Group , they're 07:01.770 --> 07:03.992 running our project called the Advanced 07:03.992 --> 07:06.630 rate home diagnostic system . ARDS for 07:06.630 --> 07:09.390 short . What we have found is with the 07:09.390 --> 07:11.334 man double tap test that the depot 07:11.334 --> 07:13.735 typically uses . We don't discover 07:13.735 --> 07:16.565 problems with the rhythms not being 07:16.565 --> 07:19.235 properly repaired or missing areas that 07:19.235 --> 07:21.725 need to be repaired until we get out to 07:21.735 --> 07:24.855 test in the field after the depot and 07:24.855 --> 07:26.966 then we have to do rework and usually 07:26.966 --> 07:30.155 leads to 80 hours plus of re work that 07:30.155 --> 07:32.630 needs to be done , ratings are very 07:32.640 --> 07:35.840 important to a plane's ability to 07:35.850 --> 07:38.080 locate targets to locate the ground 07:38.080 --> 07:40.070 terrain to make sure that it sees 07:40.070 --> 07:42.180 weather ahead of it . So we need to 07:42.180 --> 07:44.236 make sure that those freedoms are at 07:44.236 --> 07:46.402 their peak performing capability . And 07:46.402 --> 07:48.402 this system helps ensure that we're 07:48.402 --> 07:50.569 doing that . This system will allow us 07:50.569 --> 07:52.624 to test the performance midstream or 07:52.624 --> 07:54.569 even at the beginning to give us a 07:54.569 --> 07:56.791 baseline to know how to best make those 07:56.791 --> 07:59.013 repairs . We take millimeter wave radio 07:59.013 --> 08:01.013 frequency measurements and by using 08:01.013 --> 08:03.013 this measurement we can look at the 08:03.013 --> 08:05.250 transmission and reflectivity of 08:05.260 --> 08:07.680 different objects and materials . So we 08:07.680 --> 08:09.458 used those to look at the paint 08:09.458 --> 08:11.820 thickness or the layer thickness of the 08:11.830 --> 08:13.830 raid um and evaluate its health and 08:13.830 --> 08:16.330 performance . This is about the third 08:16.330 --> 08:18.700 year of the project . It started off as 08:18.700 --> 08:20.811 a handheld unit that we were using to 08:20.811 --> 08:23.130 measure Radom transmissibility . We 08:23.130 --> 08:25.230 transitioned that to a robot and now 08:25.230 --> 08:27.397 what we're doing is using that data to 08:27.397 --> 08:29.820 go do further testing and proof of 08:29.820 --> 08:32.460 concept on Radames . The man take 08:32.460 --> 08:34.293 programs important to innovation 08:34.293 --> 08:36.516 because they pull technologies that are 08:36.516 --> 08:38.571 in the development stages , they get 08:38.571 --> 08:40.682 them ready for prime time to allow us 08:40.682 --> 08:42.738 to then push that into production So 08:42.738 --> 08:44.516 they help us bridge that gap of 08:44.516 --> 08:46.516 technology readiness to get us to a 08:46.516 --> 08:48.571 spot where we're ready to transition 08:49.470 --> 08:51.470 Sure that our war fighters have the 08:51.470 --> 08:53.637 capability they need we need to invest 08:53.637 --> 08:55.859 the government dollars in building that 08:55.859 --> 08:57.859 industrial base . We need to ensure 08:57.859 --> 09:00.020 that the suppliers exist that we have 09:00.030 --> 09:02.620 domestic suppliers that we have access 09:02.620 --> 09:05.060 to suppliers so that we can provide the 09:05.060 --> 09:07.393 capabilities that the war fighters need . 09:12.340 --> 09:14.173 I'm the research and development 09:14.173 --> 09:16.750 director in Mahon Tech is the largest 09:16.750 --> 09:18.917 of the three components of our R . And 09:18.917 --> 09:21.030 D . Program . It involves basically 09:21.040 --> 09:23.790 sustainment of key supply chains . It's 09:23.790 --> 09:25.901 all about the defense industrial base 09:25.901 --> 09:28.123 and really keeping it ready for D . L . 09:28.123 --> 09:30.380 A . Sustainment . We're at Redstone 09:30.380 --> 09:32.970 Test center located on Redstone arsenal 09:32.970 --> 09:35.470 Alabama and we do testing for army 09:35.470 --> 09:38.730 hardware . So this is a project that 09:38.730 --> 09:40.952 we've been working with the army and as 09:40.952 --> 09:42.897 part of our additive manufacturing 09:42.897 --> 09:45.008 portfolio for D . L . A . It's really 09:45.008 --> 09:47.174 about getting added manufactured parts 09:47.174 --> 09:49.920 into the aviation supply chain . The 09:49.920 --> 09:51.642 name of the project that we're 09:51.642 --> 09:53.253 highlighting is the additive 09:53.253 --> 09:55.590 manufacturing you ate 60 fuel elbow 09:55.590 --> 09:59.240 project and because of supply 09:59.240 --> 10:00.907 shortages that had to do with 10:00.907 --> 10:03.370 manufacturing quality escapes the 10:03.370 --> 10:06.360 program office and D . L . A . And the 10:06.360 --> 10:08.875 armies F . Com . Aviation missile 10:08.875 --> 10:12.065 center Man tech got together to 10:12.075 --> 10:15.515 design build and test an additive lee 10:15.515 --> 10:18.175 manufactured fuel elbow . The goal of 10:18.175 --> 10:20.775 the project was to do a 10 hour test 10:20.775 --> 10:23.955 flight on a U . H . 60 helicopter here 10:23.955 --> 10:27.300 at our airfield better than 10:27.300 --> 10:29.660 manufacturing is the ability to take a 10:29.670 --> 10:32.240 cad model and computer aided design 10:32.240 --> 10:35.160 model and put it into layers into a 10:35.160 --> 10:38.030 machine so the machine deposits layers 10:38.030 --> 10:40.740 of materials . This is actually a fuel 10:40.740 --> 10:42.990 elbow . What this does is this end 10:42.990 --> 10:45.212 connects to the fuel hose and then this 10:45.212 --> 10:47.268 end connects to the engine . So this 10:47.268 --> 10:49.379 actually supplies fuel to the turbine 10:49.379 --> 10:52.110 engines . So the fuel elbow had a 10:52.110 --> 10:55.660 manufacturing quality issue had a thin 10:55.660 --> 10:58.710 wall on one side of the fuel elbow that 10:58.710 --> 11:02.130 was causing small fuel leaks . The 11:02.140 --> 11:03.807 importance of this project is 11:03.807 --> 11:05.918 demonstrating that we can print these 11:05.918 --> 11:09.150 parts and qualify these parts to a 11:09.150 --> 11:12.110 certain airworthiness qualification and 11:12.110 --> 11:13.999 fly these parts in a limited test 11:13.999 --> 11:16.166 flight which is really just exercising 11:16.166 --> 11:18.054 that whole process so that in the 11:18.054 --> 11:21.260 future as technology improves and 11:21.260 --> 11:23.900 advances we can move forward and 11:23.900 --> 11:26.011 continue to add parts to the aircraft 11:26.011 --> 11:28.870 as needed to help sustainment . We 11:28.870 --> 11:30.759 definitely consider the project a 11:30.759 --> 11:32.926 success . The fact that it was a joint 11:32.926 --> 11:35.092 project was very beneficial . The fact 11:35.092 --> 11:37.203 that we were able to pull resources , 11:37.203 --> 11:39.259 different organizations and we had a 11:39.259 --> 11:41.426 stated goal and we met it at the end , 11:41.426 --> 11:43.420 it is important that the L . A . 11:43.430 --> 11:46.220 Establishes these partnerships not only 11:46.220 --> 11:48.220 with the military but also with the 11:48.220 --> 11:50.331 academia in industry because when you 11:50.331 --> 11:52.560 bring different perspectives to a 11:52.560 --> 11:54.975 problem , you find better solutions to 11:54.975 --> 11:56.864 its success . Can be defined in a 11:56.864 --> 11:58.864 number of ways , a lot of ways it's 11:58.864 --> 12:00.642 making a better part getting it 12:00.642 --> 12:02.808 qualified so it can be part of the new 12:02.808 --> 12:04.919 part that you'd order for that weapon 12:04.919 --> 12:07.086 systems . Other times it's improving a 12:07.086 --> 12:09.197 business process for D . L . A . Like 12:09.197 --> 12:11.364 moving us from A to D . Technical data 12:11.364 --> 12:13.531 world to a three D . Connected digital 12:13.531 --> 12:15.364 enterprise . So success can take 12:15.364 --> 12:17.531 different approaches . But for us it's 12:17.531 --> 12:19.531 really all about support to the war 12:19.531 --> 12:18.855 Fighter . 12:25.040 --> 12:27.440 Man tech is really working on securing 12:27.440 --> 12:29.107 the supply chains in the US , 12:29.107 --> 12:31.329 increasing the resilience of the supply 12:31.329 --> 12:33.560 chains so that we can respond to not 12:33.560 --> 12:36.210 only daily products that you and I use 12:36.210 --> 12:38.210 all the time . It upgrades to those 12:38.210 --> 12:40.043 products but also respond to the 12:40.043 --> 12:42.154 warfighter needs and support national 12:42.154 --> 12:44.250 security but also through economic 12:44.260 --> 12:46.570 security and creating better jobs for 12:46.570 --> 12:49.940 the U . S . The D . O . D . Man Tech 12:49.950 --> 12:52.540 program is very important to the 12:52.550 --> 12:54.400 defense industrial base and the 12:54.400 --> 12:56.660 warfighter because we are investing in 12:56.660 --> 12:59.060 next generation technologies , ensuring 12:59.060 --> 13:01.240 manufacturing processes are advanced 13:01.250 --> 13:03.730 and improving so that our war fighter 13:03.730 --> 13:06.050 has access to asymmetric advantage on 13:06.050 --> 13:06.870 the battlefield .